comb out

美 [koʊm aʊt]英 [kəʊm aʊt]
  • 梳理;梳掉脱落的毛发,细心梳理,梳好;彻底清查,彻底搜查;把…挑出来,拣出
comb outcomb out


smoothen and neaten with or as with a comb
comb your hair before dinner
comb the wool
Synonym: comb disentangle
remove unwanted elements
The company weeded out the incompetent people
The new law weeds out the old inequities
Synonym: weed out


  1. We should comb out joint dangerous act theory again to settle concerned disputes .


  2. They ran to her and pulled the comb out of her hair .


  3. You should be prepared to thoroughly comb out your cat 's coat at least twice a week .


  4. Then this text analyzes the case of the regional cooperation in the world , comb out some useful experience for industrial cooperation of PPRD ;


  5. It 's a good thing to comb out the government departments We had no wish for an avenue consisting of solely ministries .


  6. Hence , we must re-investigate the value of narrative classics of Chinese contemporary literature , comb out problems in them to better the construction of classics of contemporary literature .


  7. As to the general structure , the author attempts to comb out and argue the system of rural homestead use right , in particular the use and management . First , generalize the system .


  8. I comb out the course of history developing from the primitive thinking to divided and undivided lines , then to odd and even numbers , and then to Yin and Yang .


  9. In the transforming era when the world order is being reconstructed , that we comb out and study the world order paradigms of the major international relations theories is the important content for constructing China 's international relations theory .


  10. The author in the careful thought and analysis of these factors comb out to seriously grasp the implicit in the college students ' network moral problems in the relationship between inheritance and innovation , open and guide the relationship and the internal and external relations .


  11. On the basis of that , we comb out the technology innovation mechanism of the firms which make foreign direct investment . Finally , we smooth out the mechanism of China firms investment in developed countries ( technical leading countries and areas ) which has promoted China technology .


  12. This thesis is based on a large number of foundations of collecting the ancient vernacular novel which include Confucius ' image promptly , and roughly comb out Confucius ' images of two kinds : Confucius images of common customs and Confucius images of sacrilization .


  13. My hair 's so tangled I can 't comb it out .


  14. Oh , the comb fell out of my hair !


  15. Towel dry your hair and comb it out completely .


  16. Let me comb you out .


  17. The knots in his hair were so bad that he couldn 't comb them out .


  18. Betore I wash it and comb it out . Dig ?


  19. Comb subversives out of an organization .


  20. The thesis pays close attention to the problem and tries to comb it out in a systematic way , and tries to introduce some modes applied to different complicated case in the hope of advancing law theory and benefiting to judicial practice .


  21. I 've been dying to comb these rats out .


  22. Then gently comb the knot out .


  23. Holidaymakers should go through their insurance policies with a fine-tooth comb to find out what risks they are not covered for .


  24. He fluffed up his battered feathers , straightened his drooping comb and strtted out into the yard again .


  25. She was trying to comb some useful things out of the tangle .


  26. Second , the authors have personal bankruptcy exemption theory , development of the vertical comb , and pointed out that although China is still not established personal bankruptcy exemption system , but it is in our history there have been very real .
